171 results total, viewing 161 - 170
At some point in the last couple of weeks, someone called our office asking, “Do Jews celebrate Thanksgiving?” I found this question surprising. Remember the fuss last year over Thanksgivukkah when Thanksgiving and Hanukkah fell at the same … more
I’m not easily impressed. Call me a cynic; maybe that’s the traditional journalist in me. It takes a lot for me to say, “Wow, that’s impressive,” let alone be inspired. However, I was truly inspired last week when I saw the list of … more
Life is about making choices. Anybody who knows me has certainly heard me say that often. My kids would tell you they hear it all too often. But with each choice we grow a little bit. It helps us become the person we are today. And it doesn’t … more
When I was growing up, I remember those discussions after services during the High Holy Days. The conversation inevitably turned to the rabbi’s message. What was it? Did you like it? Did you agree … or disagree? Was it too political; not … more
New Year’s greetings from The Jewish Voice staff! We wish all our faithful readers a healthy and sweet year. You’re reading an issue dated Sept. 26. How did that happen when we were supposed to be in shul? Well, as some of you know, the … more
How do you prepare for the High Holy Days? Do you clean, cook, bake? Do you sign up for one of the many available study sessions centered around the month of Elul? Perhaps you sit down and take stock of relationships with those around you. … more
On Sept. 9, Rhode Islanders go to the polls to vote in the 2014 primary. You’d have to be living under a rock, or outside the state, to not know this. If you are part of our circulation in Massachusetts or elsewhere, hang on. I promise this … more
For the past nine years, the second week of August has meant only one thing. Time to pack up the minivan and take one child or the other – or both – back to college. Some years the van was packed tighter than others. One year, it was so stuffed … more
The last few weeks have been anxious for many of us here in the Rhode Island Jewish community and beyond. We nervously watch the news from Israel as we have family and friends impacted by the situation there. Like many of you, I’m touched by … more
Spring is a time of milestones: Weddings, births and especially graduations. This weekend I took a little drive (about 16 hours round-trip) to see my daughter present her thesis project. The product of a year’s worth of work, it was quite a … more
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