173 results total, viewing 31 - 40
Like many of you, I have been glued to coverage of the war in Ukraine – in print, online and on TV. Yes, I have my favorite media outlets. But I tend to flip from one to another during this … more
As I sit down to write this column, Rhode Island is in the midst of a blizzard, the first in a number of years. The pre-storm hype had whipped our friends and neighbors into a frenzy. Grocery … more
Putting together the January newspaper presents a time to look back and think ahead. What a year it was. What a year we hope it will be! In 2021, we had a roller-coaster of ups and downs. That new … more
Have you listened to the first podcasts from Jewish Rhody Media? It’s a terrific series on leadership called Chutzpah! There’s a new episode every other Thursday, featuring Adam Greenman, … more
There will be no more weeping for the willow in my backyard. Sometime in the wee hours of a recent Wednesday morning, what was left of the once majestic, multi-trunk tree came crashing down. No … more
Life is in transition again. Nature is doing its annual shift from long, hot summer days to dark, cool fall evenings. As I write this, our backyard is showing a scattering of yellow and brown … more
Sometimes, when I sit down to write this column, I stare at a blank page on my computer screen and I wonder where to begin. My aim isn’t to be scholarly or to impart wisdom based on years of … more
I had time for some real moments of reflection this month as I rooted through a couple of boxes in my parents’ basement. They have lived in the same house since the mid-1960s and, as you can … more
Do you remember The Herald? Or perhaps you remember the Jewish Voice, or the Community Voice from many years ago. At one time, The Rhode Island Jewish Herald was an independently published … more
June is the month of graduations, weddings, gardens and great hopes for warmer times. This year, it also seems to be the month of climbing to the other side of COVID-19 as our life opens up … more
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