176 results total, viewing 41 - 50
I had time for some real moments of reflection this month as I rooted through a couple of boxes in my parents’ basement. They have lived in the same house since the mid-1960s and, as you can … more
Do you remember The Herald? Or perhaps you remember the Jewish Voice, or the Community Voice from many years ago. At one time, The Rhode Island Jewish Herald was an independently published … more
June is the month of graduations, weddings, gardens and great hopes for warmer times. This year, it also seems to be the month of climbing to the other side of COVID-19 as our life opens up … more
My cat has gotten way too accustomed to my work-from-home life. In the past year, if you’ve ever been on a Zoom meeting with me, you’ve probably seen her tail go by. Her pandemic … more
Like all of you, we have just celebrated our second pandemic Passover. Our seder, once again, was largely a Zoom connection. But unlike last year, this year my extended family was able to gather … more
Many people are talking about it, so I took a look at my trusty sources to see if this has really become a thing. Urban Dictionary to the rescue! It has a definition for Zoom fatigue. Many of you … more
We had just heard about this new virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Globally, cases were few. In the U.S., it seemed to be centered in Washington state. But health experts were starting to talk … more
Have you made a commitment to your health and well-being? Are you keeping yourself healthy? While your answers to these questions have always been important, they’ve taken on extra meaning … more
Putting together the annual “Year in Review” article every December is like taking a short trip down memory lane. It’s always an interesting exercise to take a look back at a year, … more
As I sit down to write this column, Election Day 2020 is still several days in front of us. As you open this issue of Jewish Rhode Island, the election is behind us – but the outcome may … more
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