137 results total, viewing 11 - 20
I have gained so much knowledge since I have been creating and producing podcasts on the topic of positive aging. Here are my five ways to honor and use the strengths of our older years: … more
I have been thinking about how the lessons we just revisited at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur apply to our business life as well as our personal life. An article on, “Honest … more has a fascinating article by Rabbi Asher Resnick, titled “The Meaning of Rosh Hashanah: An In-Depth Analysis,” with the subtitle, “Exploring the philosophical underpinnings … more
With the leisure time of summer ending as we head into the fall months, our children might begin to feel anxious about the schedules and pressure of going back to school. I taught parenting … more
Happiness has always been an interest of mine, since the media and training work I do is about finding joy, happiness, the opportunity in the obstacle and solutions to the problem. In a recent … more
I recently interviewed Judie Tenenbaum, a member of Temple Emanu-El, who is an attorney, advocate, consummate baker, harpist and Renaissance woman. I have worked with Judie on the temple’s … more
Millions of people love their pets, and there is a compelling reason for that: they give us unconditional love. Our pets, especially our cats and dogs, love us no matter what mood we are in or how … more
I recently had an experience that I consider a miracle. A few weeks ago, I was driving in the right lane on a three-lane highway early in the morning. There was a truck in front of me, and all … more
With the spring season on its way, I’ve been thinking about how the seeds we have planted start to bear fruit. And this includes something we often don’t think about – the seeds we … more
There has been so much conflict in political negotiations lately that I wondered if there was a better way. I first looked to the Hebrew Bible for some perspective on the subject. Rabbi Lord … more
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