77 results total, viewing 61 - 70
(JTA) — Ariel Sharon’s development as a leader was very similar to that of Menachem Begin. In the final years of their political careers, both men came to realize the limits of relying on force alone. These realizations led to historic … more
Just as Judaism is an ethical and spiritual lighthouse – so too were The Beatles. Most religions have their roots in spiritual awakening. The Beatles had a powerful appeal to a generation in calling forth a spiritual bonding. They sought out … more
JERUSALEM, Israel – During a panel at this year’s JFNA’s General Assembly (GA), the moderator asked, “If you would compare the Jewish Federation to a car or animal what would it be?” Without a second thought, the legendary Ford car from … more
Some years ago, my middle daughter occasionally did cat sitting for a rabbi. One day, he called for her and we ended up in a conversation that led him to ask where we were affiliated. I told him that we went to the JCC and belonged to the … more
This month, two different research studies have been released that shed light on the realities of American Jewish life … and Rhode Island Jewish life. The Pew Research Center, a subsidiary of the Pew Charitable Trusts, is a very highly … more
NEWPORT – Having read several recent articles about the reading of the George Washington Letter in The Jewish Voice and the 350th anniversary of the Royal Charter, I am concerned that many people are confusing religious freedom with toleration. … more
As a preface to this op-ed, I wish to make it clear that the opinions expressed are entirely my own and do not reflect those of any organizations with which I may be affiliated. more
PROVIDENCE – How often do we tell our friends and co-workers that the political system is broken and beyond repair? Many of us believe that we cannot influence change in the system. more
“That it is much on their hearts … to hold forth a lively experiment, that a most flourishing civil state may stand and best be maintained … with a full liberty in religious concernments.” (From the Rhode Island Charter, granted by King … more
Back when I was growing up in Manhattan, the modern State of Israel was the center of the Jewish universe. Tucked inside the greater American-Jewish identity, it was the core of being Jewish. There were no contradictions. Jews were solid U.S. … more
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